The blog that documents the transition of a former Sport Psychology (MSc) Graduate, into the world of Cloud Technology and Full Stack Development.

About Me

Hey! I’m Camille, a 25 year old who decided to take the leap into Tech. I initially come from a sporting background where I played many sports, but focused on basketball from age 16. I worked towards the end goal of playing professionally and becoming a Sport Psychologist. After obtaining my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Sport Psychology, being at uni for 5 years straight, dealing with a career altering injury, AND the pandemic, I experienced burnout and wanted to move away from Psychology. 

After finishing a 6 month work contract as a business development executive in February 2022, and going on a 2 month holiday-of-all-holidays, I decided to finally look into a link that my Uncle (who is a Cyber Security Analyst) sent me during lockdown 2 years ago. This link was for an AWS re/Start bootcamp hosted by an organization called Generation UK & Ireland, which fortunately happened to be open for applications.

I got onto the course and learned about IT foundations such as: networking, security, linux, and programming with Python. A lot of time was also spent on learning AWS in preparation for the CCP exam. I graduated from AWS re/Start in early September 2022, passed my CCP exam, and now looking to land my first cloud role.

Certifications & Badges

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